Team Building and Company Culture Part 2

Teambuilding and Company Culture 2 – On a Level Like No Other


Happy Team

Related: Team Building and Company Culture Part 1



“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” —Charles Schwab


Team-building- The tried true venture worth investing in…

The Company Dynamic – much like its team counterpart – is greatly impacted by the positive outcomes resulting from teambuilding and team-outing events. A company is only as strongly positioned in the marketplace as are the teams and employees that comprise its organizational infrastructure. Companies who’ve invested in company culture through paying for offsite team-building events or on-site team functions see just how powerful of an impact a little employee fun can have in the way of increased sales and greater customer satisfaction.  This, of course, equates to customer loyalty. Team-building truly is one of the best-performing ventures that today’s top-trending companies continue to invest in. Team-building is one investment that works, with dividends that pay out in unprecedented ways.


When company culture flourishes, brandy loyalty blossoms…
As the company culture flourishes, brand awareness and brand loyalty blossom. Employees proudly wear their company culture like a favorite pair of jeans, when they’re out in public. They become brand ambassadors for the organization, exuding their appreciation for their company naturally, through their words and actions and creating an organic brand following in the process. When the public can relate to a company’s culture, then brand loyalty is certain to transpire. Yes indeed – the company dynamic is greatly improved upon when team-building becomes its priority and pride.

Team-building equates to individual up-building…

The Individual Dynamic is equally, greatly impacted by team-building and team-outing events in the way of personal and professional development. The individuals begin honing in on their interpersonal relationships and social skills. They learn from their team counterparts in a non-critical, unoffensive way because once true teambuilding has become part of the DNA framework of an organization, each employee involved has the best interests of their teammates in mind. Team-building truly equates to individual up-building as much as it does to the group development, collectively. In essence, the act and art of team-building actually help the individual as much as it does the team!

Your company’s greatest assets are right at your immediate disposal – employees!

When personal development is present and professional development presides, employees tend to embark upon ongoing training to further enhance their careers. They begin to become more involved in their company’s success – offering valuable suggestions that have far-reaching, long-lasting results. It could be that the entry-level employee, whose excitement for his or her new job results in a new perspective on how to improve an old process that ends up saving the company millions, could transpire. There’s no shortage of positives that result for the individual who’s part of a great, teambuilding dynamic where individuality is encouraged and camaraderie is created. Well-vested employees both in involvement and interest can be the greatest source of your company’s survival and success. They are the ones doing the job and as such can offer valuable points of feedback to give your organization that much needed leading edge!

Personal development resulting from team development…


In some team-building dynamics, individuals become involved in groups like Toastmasters to hone in their public speaking and presentation skills. In other instances, individuals who’ve benefitted from being part of a great team-building dynamic, find networking events and business mixers like the Successful Thinkers Network, to be an incredible way to build their personal brands and grow their influence in social circles.

The lifeblood of company culture…

Teambuilding and team outings are like the lifeblood of company culture, pumping a freeflow of vibrant energy to the individual parts of the organization, ensuring its health and longevity for years to come. For improved profitability, productivity and brand loyalty, team-building and team-outing events are activities that every forward-thinking company should invest in.

Scaling new success through teambuilding…

These teambuilding functions can have such a positive impact on the company, team and individual dynamics that the organization’s direction is forever altered in an upward-trending, positive direction. When your company makes team-building and team-outings part of their new, Modus Operandi, the benefits that outcome of that decision will be multi-faceted and far-reaching, propelling your organization into new orbits of ongoing, scalable success!


Related: Team Building and Company Culture Part 1


To help you fuel creativity for your next team outing, team-building initiative, consider these fun activities:


  • A hiking expedition for a day trip or an extended period of time #OutdoorHiking

Outdoor Hiking Team Building


  • A boating or party-barge outing on the lake #DuckTours

Team Building Boating


  • A dinner reservation at a nice, upscale restaurant #Dining

Dinner Party Team Building


  • A paid-for outing to a sporting complex #SportsEvents

Sports Event Team Bonding Building


Private Food Tours Team Building


  • A charitable, fund-raising activity like a park clean-up or volunteering at a food bank #Community

    Volunteer Team Building Community


  • A wine-tasting hill country excursion #WineTours

Wine Tasting Team Building


  • A live-music, backyard BBQ event or better yet, a competition.

BBQ Team Building

#CompanyPicnics #CookingCompetition #LiveMusic 


Live Concert Team Building



Team Building

The ideas are only as limited or the imagination of those overseeing the events – which you can truly tap into the creative geniuses of those everyday individuals within our sphere of influence. May your next, teambuilder event be filled with good folks, frolicking fun and a whole lotta food! Team building and company culture, together form a powerful, synergistic force of positivity, profitability, and productivity in the workplace and are in this regard, on a level like no other…


Happy Teams!


Team Building and Team Bonding Precede’s Happy Winning Teams!

Happy Team

Related: Team Building and Company Culture Part 1