10 Fun Things To Do In Royal Oak

Art Camp: Your Best Week Ever!

Art Camp


Make your moments memorable

Whether Winter break or Summer vacation, Art Camp at the Creative Arts Studio in the town of Royal Oak, Michigan is certain to be one of the best weeks you’re likely to experience for artistic fun and creative camaraderie!  


Artistry and creativity go well together…

School breaks or field trips in greater Detroit, Michigan all have one thing in common – they get everyone out of school for a time!  However long they last, they are always a welcome way to celebrate with friends and to commemorate the out-of-school occasion for all that it’s worth. Art Camp, like that presented by the Creative Arts Studio of Royal Oak, Michigan is one such occasion and place where artistry and creativity mix nicely to make for the perfect camp experience!


Partaking in your student’s development

From the artistic creations crafted there, to the student’s sense of accomplishment experienced there – Art Camp is the ultimate get-away that may very well become your best week ever.

From the camaraderie felt to the rewarding satisfaction that only a teacher understands when observing their students’ experience the wonder of discovery through the arts!  At the Creative Arts Studio in beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan, we enjoy partaking in your students’ creative development and in planting a passionate seed for the arts to the next generation.

Do It Yourself Pottery Painting Detroit

Inspiration to develop your artist’s skills even further.

While in Art Camp, your students can partake in pottery painting, wax hands, spin art, wheel throwing, hand-building with clay, mosaics, glass fusing, canvas painting and a number of other creative activities that will keep them engaged.  It is this engagement, that keeps them interested in the arts and wanting to develop their artistic abilities even further.  The Creative Arts Studio has some of the industry’s finest instructors, who will coach students on the different forms of art and the best techniques still being used today.  

Consider enrolling your students in art camp at the Creative Arts Studio of greater, Detroit, Michigan for a memorable, momentous experience in your students’ artistic development.  Art has been shown to have a tremendous benefit to students in other non-art related subjects too.  We are, therefore, excited to be part of the art camp learning platform for your students to hone their skills. Here, in our art camp studio, we will keep your schedule full of art-centric activities that can help make your week the best one ever!


Art Camp Details:

If school is out you can bet that we’ll be running Art Camp for kids here at the studio! Our week-long session is perfect for young artists of all ages and skill levels. Projects include Pottery Painting, Mosaics, Glass Fusing, Beading, Wheel Throwing, Hand Building with Clay, Canvas Painting, Wax Hands, and more! Each day we’ll create 2 or 3 projects, eat lunch, make friends, and have a whole lot of fun!

  • Try out every project that we offer at the studio and maybe even a few surprises!
  • Ages 6-14 yrs, all skill levels welcome!
  • Instruction and supervision provided by our expert counselors
  • Super fun and artistic atmosphere
  • Sessions run Monday – Friday (unless otherwise specified)
  • Each camp day starts at 11:00 am and ends at 2:30 pm
  • Afternoon Sessions available to add on
  • Discounts when you sign up with friends!
  • Campers should bring their own lunch

Art Camps! Summer Art Camps are fun! Royal Oak, Detroit MI Pottery, and Crafts Center Creative Arts Studios

Mosaic Art

Mosaic Art – Beauty From Brokenness

Mosaic art – decorative, diverse, and dynamic…

Mosaic Art Pottery

Mosaic art is a form of artistic expression created from the assembling of small pieces of stone, glass, or other materials into a colorful, finished work of the artist’s imagination. Mosaics are often used in interior designs or decorative art because of their uniqueness.

The small pieces of glass or stone are often of different colors, known as tesserae, which add depth and dimension to the mosaic art. The Creative Arts Studio of historic, Royal Oak, Michigan presents Mosaic art as a class where artists can learn essential techniques and discover new trends.  You can also walk in and work on mosaics anytime.  We have a lot of base pieces to choose from. 


Something broken, something beautiful…

Mosaic Pottery

As an art form, Mosaic art is growing in popularity because it offers something unique – the act and art of making something beautiful out of the fragments of something broken.  These mosaic art projects have been beautifully hand-crafted into majestic scenes, people’s portraits, and abstract art. Here, at the Creative Arts Studio, art enthusiasts everywhere in Royal Oak, Michigan, and the surrounding, Detroit communities can experience the joy of Mosaic art too by hand-making one of their own mosaic projects!



Mosaic Pottery

As unique as the art form, itself…

Just as Mosaic artwork continues to thrill art enthusiasts everywhere with its diversity of design applications, so does the city of Royal Oak, Michigan with its diversity of history, culture, and the people that comprise it. 


A team outing like no other…

Come experience the joy of mosaic art for yourself, here at one of Detroit, Michigan’s premier, do-it-yourself art studio – The Creative Arts Studio.  We invite you and yours to build out your own, beautiful mosaic art project and discover the feeling of seeing something arise from nothing and of making something beautiful out of something broken.  The Creative Arts Studio also welcomes your class, group, company, and team for an outing they will remember for years to come!

Mosaic Art


  • Walk in anytime, no reservation necessary
  • Take your artwork home with you that day
  • Huge selection of shapes to build on
  • Tons of colorful tiles and gems
  • Grout your project at home the next day
  • Great for all ages
  • Grout Kit and directions included
  • Prices start at $20
  • Check out our Mosaic classes for advanced designs
  • Available 7 days a week
  • BYOB and food welcome!
  • Click here for groups of 6 or more



Raku is in the H-O-U-S-E!

 Raku is in the H-O-U-S-E! 

What is Raku Pottery? #rakupottery

Raku Pottery Detroit


Being unique in the creative arts world is a feat unto itself worth mentioning, yet to do so to such a degree of excellence and beauty that time itself pauses still and takes notice – is near legendary.  Such is the timeless, beauty of Raku pottery, whose centuries old tradition still continues to this day, revealing itself in the most spectacular and beautiful fashion!  In that proud tradition that honors the spirit of excellence that is true of Japanese culture, a culture so beautifully showcased in its signature form of art – Raku, the Creative Arts Studio of Royal Oak, Michigan is proud to present Raku Pottery to the public!

Here, at our studio/gallery in the greater Detroit area, hobbyists and art enthusiasts everywhere can embrace this historical tradition and discover the timeless techniques of this rare, exquisite form of art.  Students who are interested in our Raku Pottery classes will learn a craft that has been passed down from one generation of artisans to another, embodying this time-honored custom in the best traditions of Japanese art. The Creative Arts Studio is excited to share this ancient tradition of the arts with art enthusiasts everywhere and now, makes it available to our friends and neighbors in the community to discover for themselves.  

The Creative Arts Studio invites you out to experience Japan itself, through enrolling in one of our Raku Pottery classes!  Our seasoned staff are passionate practitioners of the creative arts and teach students the traditional techniques still being used today to create Raku Pottery’s signature aesthetic appeal. Students who enroll In the Creative Arts Studio’s Raku Pottery class will experience a hands-on interpretation of the art, and have the opportunity to create and design a Raku piece of their own!

Japanese Raku Pottery

Raku pottery dates back to 16th century Japan, and the firing technique has changed very little since. The process begins by creating a piece out of clay and firing it once to turn it into a bisque ware piece. Once the piece is in this bisque stage, the Raku glaze can be applied. Raku glazes are specifically formulated only for this firing process.

Raku Pottery

The firing process begins by heating the pieces up to 1,800 degrees in the Raku kiln. Once the pieces reach peak temperature, they are carefully pulled out of the kiln using tongs. At this stage, the pieces are so hot that they glow a bright orange. These super hot pieces are then placed in reduction chambers so that the glazes can set. Reduction chambers are cavities filled with combustible material that are tightly covered. This is done to reduce the amount of oxygen and increase the amount of carbon that the pieces are exposed to as they cool.

Raku Pottery

All of these steps create the brilliant flared lusters and trademark crackles that make Raku pottery so unique. The Creative Arts Studio is thrilled to share this timeless form of traditional Japanese art! Come experience for yourself, the beauty of a vibrant culture that has outpaced it seems, even time and technology themselves.  In a culture caught between the modernized move “forward” and the timeless traditions that still holds them to their proud past – Raku Pottery is a beautiful bridge between both worlds.  Come experience for you and yours, the best of both the modern and ancient world with Raku Pottery taught in the traditional, Japanese form of the art at The Creative Arts Studio!


  • Monthly firings, as the weather permits

  • Super exciting and interactive process

  • Available to all students signed up for our Intro to Wheel Throwing courses

  • Totally unique finished product

  • Check our class calendar for upcoming one-day workshops

  • All firings are led by our kiln techs with over 40 years of combined experience

  • All supplies included at each firing

See More Raku Pottery Here


Hand Building with Clay Art

Art – Classes in the Creative

Art – Classes in the Creative


Supporting education through artistic creation…

Schools are one of society’s most important institutions, as these fine establishments of higher learning are intricately involved in preparing today’s generations for society’s future challenges and opportunities. These higher institutions are integral for passing on humanity’s highest ideals to those who most can embody them best – our youth.  To these institutions of higher learning, they represent some of the finest among us, and the Creative Arts Studio is a proud sponsor of YOU – our incredible local schools throughout Royal Oak and Detroit, Michigan communities!  We support you, our amazing local schools by offering classes that promote an awareness and appreciation for the arts, helping your students to pursue their art interests further within the arts programs offered at your local campuses.


Imagination makes for a memorable, momentous experience.

At the Creative Arts Studio, students of all ages, grades, parents, and faculty alike have each enjoyed a bonding experience like no other! It’s a bonding experience at our Royal Oak, Michigan studio where you can completely paint the picture!  It is the experience itself of coming out, working with your own hands and creating something imaginative that truly makes it a memorable moment that you’ll always remember.


Unleashing the student’s inner artist to a world unaware…

When considering a class field trip, team outing, or school function, we invite your administration and students to attend any one of our pottery classes or painting classes, where everyone can be an artist and let their imagination flow, form-free… Offering canvas painting classes, pottery painting, mosaics, hand-building with clay, and even ornament painting classes.  The Creative Arts Studio has a little something fun for each of our greater Detroit area school districts and their creative students.  It’s here where their students’ inner artists can come alive and roam free.


Have more art, become more smart…

Studies have shown that the arts can have an incredibly positive and empowering impact on everyone, and particularly with students when their young minds are at their most impressionable.  The exploration and expression of the arts can expand your student’s imagination into still untapped, learning quadrants of their brains, enabling them to be better learners in even other, non-art related topics. Students are welcome to explore their innate creative genius here at the Creative Arts Studio – where ImagineMagic still happens.  


Let our studio be YOUR studio…

We welcome you and your students to make it YOUR studio for the day and attend any one of our art instructional classes.  Our artistic staff is passionate and appreciative of the arts in all its wondrous, forms! We think you’ll agree with our online reviewers and also with us – on why we like to consider ourselves greater Detroit, Michigan’s premier, do-it-yourself, studio, art-gallery and workshop!  Also, we realize you may not have transportation to our studio….so we can also travel offsite to your school too!  So schedule a field trip for your students soon, for a bonding experience they’ll come to value- one that’s centered on the arts, channeled through the imagination and created by their own hands!


Pottery Painting Detroit

Cut from a Different Mold



From catchy phrase to clever concept…

If you’re an observer of trends, then you’ve most likely heard the phrase: “…that person is cut from a different mold.”  This catchy cliche is a way of saying ‘that individual is unique and in a class of his/her own…’  The phrase also has an even more defined secondary meaning: the activity and artistry of molding clay into works of art with one’s own hands!   Here at the Creative Arts Studio in the town of Royal Oak, Michigan, we welcome you to bring a friend out to our do-it-yourself art studio to attend some of our clay hand-building classes!

Hand Building with Clay

As unique is the art, so is the artist… #HandBuildingwithClay

The Creative Arts Studio recognizes that just as hand-built clay mold creations are as unique as the potter who created them, so are the individuals who are cut from a different mold – in a uniquely, different class than their co-equal counterparts. Here, at our Royal Oak, Michigan studio, we see this uniqueness demonstrated daily with each new piece of hand-built, hand-painted pottery we proudly display in our studio gallery.  To embrace the unique characteristics of each work is to give homage to the creator who hand-built the piece with his/her hands, pouring passion, personality, and promise into their art.  It is to this that the Creative Arts Studio offers hand-built clay classes – so you too can express your inner artist, just as those who are cut from a different mold!


In the mind of every artist, there is a masterpiece. Kai Greene


Cut from a different mold kind of folks…

People of this class and sort are often the movers and shakers of society, who plot new paths of progress for humanity to embark upon.  These are the visionaries among us who build businesses from scratch, then forge them into companies that give back to the community through employment opportunities, services, charitable causes and philanthropic endeavors. The Creative Arts Studio believes that through the sharing of art, in all its various forms of artistic expression – is giving back to the community in unprecedented ways as new generations pick up the torch and take up the arts.

Hand Building with Clay Art

As in life, so in art…

Just as in life, so as in art; we can be just as unique and different in our artistic expressions.  Through our art, we can give back to society through imparting some seed of inspiration or communicating some higher ideal through our artistic voice.  We welcome you and yours to unleash your inner artist here at the Creative Arts Studio, where being cut from a different mold is a beautiful thing!  Come and bring a friend or your family to attend one of our hand-built clay pottery classes, where you can form, mold and paint to your imagination’s creative contentment!

  • Private one hour of personalized instruction, Fields trips or Scout Outings are available.

  • Mold your own customized work of art

  • Learn how to hand-build using coils, slabs, or pinch pots!

  • Come with a project idea or we can provide one for you!

  • Tons of glaze colors to choose from

Do It Yourself Pottery Painting Detroit

Click here for information on Hand Building Scouting Events


Thank you!


Check Out More Creative Art

Centered piece of clay

How to Center Clay: A Step-by-Step Guide

  From catchy phrase to clever concept… If you’re an observer of trends, then you’ve most likely heard the phrase: “…that person is cut from a different mold.”  This catchy cliche is a way of saying ‘that individual is unique and in a class of his/her own…’  The phrase also has an even more defined […]

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Crayola Cycle

ColorCycle by Crayola

  From catchy phrase to clever concept… If you’re an observer of trends, then you’ve most likely heard the phrase: “…that person is cut from a different mold.”  This catchy cliche is a way of saying ‘that individual is unique and in a class of his/her own…’  The phrase also has an even more defined […]

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Tim McPherson Artist

Tim McPherson Chicago Artist

Presenting: Painting with a Pro – Tim McPherson

Tim McPherson Artist

Painting pointers taught by a pro…

Just as the word “creativity” and the Creative Arts Studio are synonymous, so is the name Tim McPherson and the word “artist”.  Chicago based painter and artist Tim McPherson is a household name in the vibrant world of painting. He has been teaching painting classes to art enthusiasts for over 30 years now and is highly regarded as one of the industry’s finest in the field.  The Creative Arts Studio is hereby proud to present this distinguished artist Tim McPherson, as our special guest here at our Trip Advisor-recommended studio in Royal Oak, Michigan.

Tim McPherson Artist

Whether hobbyist or art enthusiast…

Hobbyists and art enthusiasts alike have all been inspired by the works of Chicago’s own, Tim McPherson, who regularly visits studios around the United States and Europe to share his expertise and appreciation for all things pottery painting. His celebrated art has been featured in workshops around the country and Europe, and is prized by people everywhere.  Tim will be instructing a limited number of students, imparting his passion and knowledge of the painting arts, here at The Creative Arts Studio in beautiful, Royal Oak, Michigan!  



Watch This 5 min Exclusive Interview With Tim McPherson

Tim McPherson Artist

As local artists and enthusiasts ourselves, we are proud to present this highly acclaimed, technique driven painting class to the greater Detroit area, Royal Oak, and surrounding Michigan communities!  The staff here at the Creative Arts Studio regularly supports and promotes the arts through do-it-yourself workshops and crafting group classes held throughout the week. 


So much art form to choose from…

Individuals, groups, and organizations alike have participated in the Creative Arts Studio’s popular do-it-yourself workshops, that cover a broad palette of art forms such as: wheel throwing, spin art, wax hands, mosaics, glass fusing, pallet board painting, canvas painting, ornament painting, and the ever popular – pottery painting. 

Tim McPherson Artist

A personalized approach to the painting craft…

We cordially invite you and yours out to this limited RSVP Event for a personalized painting class with the veteran, Chicago based artist – Tim McPherson!  Tim’s 30-year painting profession highlights as much multi-faceted depth as does the tonal textures of his prints.  Some of the classes that Tim will be teaching are the “Jungle Gem Birch Trees”, “Batik Flowers” and “Holiday Snowman”. Enthusiasts and students alike, of all ages, backgrounds, and professions have gleaned from Tim’s personalized attention to detail and hands-on approach to teaching the arts.

Tim McPherson Artist

To all the uncharted creative realms and beyond…

Now if you’re a pro, a long-time practitioner, or a beginning enthusiast of the painting arts, you will discover new dimensions of creative expression that will keep you inspired for years to come!  Reserve your seat now with the Creative Arts Studio for a personalized painting class with Chicago’s Tim McPherson, where you’ll explore new techniques that will open up your creativity to uncharted realms of artistic possibility!  

Tim McPherson Artist


Tim is available for Private Parties, Groups, and Classes

See his next Scheduled Class at the Creative Arts Studio


Tim McPherson is back to teach you a super fun project. Sign up with a friend, family, or come by yourself and learn some amazing advanced painting techniques from a true expert.

Link:  https://creativeartsstudios.com/tim-mcpherson-ceramic-artist/

Follow Us on Instagram @CreativeArtsStudios

Instagram Creative Arts Studio Follow @CreativeArtsStudios

25 Artists You Should Be Following On Instagram

#1, Of Course, is Creative Arts Studios @CreativeArtsStudios

Is your Instagram feed filled with photographs of your friends’ cats, blurry selfies and endless streams of food? We have a fix for that.

We’ve compiled a list of the best artist Instagram accounts, from the daily snapshots of Yoko Ono to the street art of Shepard Fairey. The 25 painters, sculptors, photographers and performance artists are sure to brighten up your feed with a steady stream of gorgeous images and insights into the daily life of a professional artist. Behold:

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Giant Pumpkin Face

Halloween Harvest Party

Let the goosebumps spread and the hairs stand up on Halloween and let the candy fill your dreams.

Candy, cookouts, and creativity

When the Autumn leaves start to fall, they indicate many things – the Summer season coming to an end, the Winter season’s soon arrival and… that Halloween is just about here!

Halloween is that time of year when people go all out with finding the best costumes, dressing up, and doing something fun to close out the season… Though ‘Halloween fun’ typically consists of cookouts, candy and dressing up, there is one activity that’s always present – decorating!  Whether it’s carving the pumpkin, hanging up sheet ghosts or doing Halloween crafts, Halloween is always a great time! So, when it comes time to plan where and how you’ll spend this Halloween, check out the Creative Arts’ Studio of Royal Oak, Michigan for your next Halloween craft party!

Creative Family Arts

The highlight of your Halloween

Much like an old-time harvest party, Halloween is a chance for friends and family to come together one last time before the quiet chill of Winter sets in.  Friends and family bonding together and doing fun activities for their children are just some of the highlights of a typical Michigan Halloween. To make your end of season celebration even more special, we invite you to consider spending it here with us at the Creative Arts Studio in quintessential, Royal Oak, Michigan – your Halloween celebration destination.


What will you create?

The Creative Arts Studio are the premier do-it-yourself studio in the greater Detroit, Michigan area. Hobbyists and Halloween ghouls alike can find something rewarding to do at our state-of-the-art facilities, whether its canvas, pottery painting or crafting. Here at our Halloween headquarters’ safehouse, you and yours can paint something scary on canvas, wood or ceramics.  Whatever your scare or thrill, Halloween at the Creative Arts Studio has something for you and your family to enjoy!

Art and Crafts Detroit Creative Arts

Freaky fun…

Come, try your talents at pallet board painting or canvas painting.  If you’d rather take part in the forming and shaping of your crafts, you can exercise your skills at wheel throwing. The Creative Arts Studio also offers classes as taught by professional artists who have a passion to create just like you. We also have a huge selection of pre-formed ceramic figurines and everyday household items that can be painted to your preference.  Here at our Royal Oak, Michigan facility, The Creative Arts Studio has your Halloween covered this year with freaky fun activities the whole family can enjoy!


Waving Ghost Halloween  

Read More About Classes and Parties

Kids Parties Wheel Throwing

All About Wheel Throwing

Wheel Throwing Classes Art


If you come, it will be built…

The act and art of building something by hand is a trend that’s gaining more popularity among families today. Perhaps, it’s the disconnect from the digital and a reconnect to physical that has attributed to the trend’s continued growth. It really comes down to the fact that people enjoy the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from working with their hands. Yet, it’s not always practical or convenient to take time out to do this, let alone finding the facilities, where building things by hand is allowed.  Enter, the Creative Arts Studio of Royal Oak, Michigan where to build something beautiful and memorable, you have to get your hands dirty, as in wheel-throwing, dirty.


When shape takes form…

Wheel throwing is the process of shaping and forming clay into usable shapes on the pottery wheel. Also, wheel throwing is used for adding the finishing touches to pottery such as lines or designs. As the potter’s wheel spins, small indentations or surface changes are quickly applied to the clay, where the shape and features begin to take form. In wheel throwing, the design applications are as wide and varied as the imagination of the potter.  Here at the Creative Arts Studio near Detroit, Michigan, our potter’s wheel is always spinning, waiting for you to get your hands dirty at designing cool new things!

Wheel Throwing For Kids

The potter’s imprint…

The craftsman of old believed that when they worked with their hands on a project or an object they were actually infusing/adding a piece of themselves into the objects they were working on. It’s as if, they had imprinted a part of themselves onto the object of their creation and that their spirit and essence – live on in their workmanship. While the staff here at the Creative Arts Studio of Royal Oak, Michigan know the objects themselves may be inanimate, it’s the life that’s shaped and spun into them during wheel throwing that does in fact – bear the spirit and essence of the potter.


The reward of working with one’s hands…

If working with your hands on a project or craft has stirred your interest, then wheel throwing is for you! If you’re looking for a new family activity to partake in that will be as rewarding an experience as it is a family-bonding experiment, then wheel-throwing is also for you. If you are looking to satisfy your personal sense of accomplishment, then wheel throwing is equally for you!  The potter’s wheel is always making its rounds at the Creative Arts Studio – Royal Oak, Michigan’s own, public potter’s studio.


Experience family fun in a whole new way…

As this festive, holiday season fast approaches, we invite you and yours out to our studio to experience family fun in an entirely new way. The Creative Arts Studio presents painting and pottery classes to help you hone your hard-earned craft. Our classes are taught by skillful artisans who work closely with new students to provide them a well-rounded grasp on the features and fundamentals of wheel throwing.  By the end of the class, you will know how to create, shape, and design by hand – a pottery piece you can be proud of and one that’s infused with your creative essence…

Wheel Throwing

Photo courtesy of Dick Blick Art Supplies

Wheel Throwing


  • You can take a one time lesson
  • 1 hour long
  • Make a bowl
  • Learn to shape the clay on the pottery wheel
  • Step by step instruction
  • Finished bowl is food safe
  • Paint your bowl during your lesson
  • Six-week courses are available
  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings available as well as Sunday mornings
  • Two-hour class sessions each week
  • Small class sizes
  • Learn how to center your clay and how to make bowls, mugs, vases, and more
  • Your own private storage space for your work
  • Come in during your free time to practice outside of class time
  • Scout Troops can learn about wheel throwing
  • Earn your pottery badge
  • Creative Arts Studio badges also available
  • Hand build a coil pot and throw a bowl on the wheel
  • Paint all of your creations during the lesson
  • Projects are designed to meet badge requirements
  • Pottery Badge Days are great for small troops to earn their badges together
  • Birthday Parties 
  • One hour lesson on the pottery wheel
  • Make a bowl and paint it during the lesson
  • Birthday plate is designed with handprints and fingerprints as a gift from us!
  • Second hour in the party room for pizza and cake time
  • The Pottery Wheel is also available for:
  • Bachelorette parties
  • Work outings
  • Family get-togethers
  • Date nights

See More About Wheel Throwing Parties Groups and Classes Here

Serving Detroit Area and Royal Oak

Wheel Throwing

Autumn Colors

Create Your Own Autumn Colors


Creativity colors the world

There’s nothing quite as breathtaking as an Autumn in Michigan!  The bright oranges and brilliant reds bring unparalleled beauty to the land, along with a crisp chill in the air to remind us of Winter’s soon approach.  While the colors still cling to the trees above, the Creative Arts Studio of Royal Oak, Michigan has colors of their own to be developed. When it comes to brilliant colors and unparalleled beauty, there’s nothing quite as colorful as a painting or crafting class to brighten your day.  Here at our modern facility just outside of Detroit, Michigan, hobbyists and art enthusiasts everywhere can color their own worlds and create their own Autumn wonderlands.

Royal Oak

Autumn – Nature’s masterpiece

As quickly as the colors appear though, they are gone with the Autumn breeze, covering the grounds below with scenic splendor.  With splashes of golden hues, complemented by sunset oranges and fiery reds, Autumn in Michigan is nature’s masterpiece, annually placed on display for all to enjoy.  Though seasonal as an Autumn Michigan is, the indelible mark it leaves is forever memorialized in our minds and inspires us in the months ahead. On a backdrop of canvas, pottery, or Pallet Board, now anyone can add color to their world over here at the Creative Arts Studio in colorful, Royal Oak, Michigan. With do-it-yourself sessions and classes taught by professionals, creativity is in the air here at the studio, and we invite you and yours out to create an Autumn wonderland of your own.

Wood Board Painting

Take the talent “try” test…

Whenever you’re in Royal Oak, Michigan or the greater, Detroit area, come out to the Creative Arts Studio to try your talents at painting, pottery, or crafting.  While the colors still cover the land with their final, finishing touches, we invite you to take a trip to capture those Autumn memories on the canvas before they fade to a dull, Winter’s grey.  Our modern studio is fully equipped to accommodate your creative interests from pottery painting to canvas painting, pallet board painting to ornament painting; there’s something for everyone here at Creative Arts Studio.

Palette Board Painting


Creating colorful masterpieces

Our colors are non-toxic paints that come in hundreds of shades, which can help you create the masterpiece of your choosing. Just as Autumn colors bring beauty and brilliance to the world around, so can your Autumn masterpiece bring beauty to those dull, grey-white walls of any home.  Let the inspiration that flows from Michigan’s breathtaking Autumn season be your source of renewed interest in the arts here at the Creative Arts Studio, where magical moments still make masterpieces…

Autumn Colors